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5 Ways to Instantly Improve Customer Service

There are no quick fixes in customer service, but there are ways to make incremental improvements right away. Try any of these service strategies and you should see an improvement in your companywide service right away. Customer service is the easiest way to get an edge on the competition. Studies have found that every disappointed customer tells an average of 10 people about their experience and that people are more likely to leave a business because of service rather than product. Training your employees on customer service skills will help you hold on to your customers and offer a superior experience over your competitors.

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7 Pillars For Organizational Success

For any organization or business to succeed, it has to all it takes to ensure that it is continually achieving set goals which are linked directly to the vision of the founder. In this article I share with you what I would brand “Beyond the Marketing Mix.” We explore some of the pillars that will position your business for greatness. These are a must for any up-coming or even established entrepreneur. Having studied business and also having started my own business ventures, I know I have a mandate to set others up for success. I cannot claim to be successful due to the amount of money on my bank statement but by those people who will achieve success through my writings and teachings.
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5 Ways to Promote Creativity in the Workplace

Take advantage of all your staff has to offer by engaging them in creativity and innovation. Try some of these 5 ideas to get started. You have a staff of people with different backgrounds and experiences - a diverse group that has a lot to offer if given the chance. Think of the possibilities for creativity and innovation. Most workplaces don’t even think about ways to bring out the creativity in their employees and they are missing out on a vast array of improvements and innovations that are wasting away in the minds of their workforce. Why not make a few simple changes and start harnessing the creative side of your employees.
1. Once a week, ask your employees to think of one way to make their job more efficient or productive. Tell them the best idea will win one hour off on Friday. This will start the creative juices flowing. At the end of the week, review the ideas and award the prize. Then, decide which ideas are realistic and implement them. Chances are that most of the ideas will improve their productivity and the company’s bottom line.
2. Have weekly brainstorming meetings. Tell them that there are no bad ideas and then go to work on the dry erase board. When employees finally have the opportunity to voice their opinions, you will be surprised what comes out. In addition, employees will work off one another and expand and improve each other’s ideas. It’s best to have at least a general topic in these meetings or the meeting could lose focus.
3. Make a suggestion box. Sometimes the best ideas are left untold because the employee was either shy or afraid to open up a sensitive topic. The suggestion box will give them the anonymity they need to bring forward their idea. Not all employees are comfortable with speaking in groups and this lack of confidence could cause the organization to lose out on a groundbreaking opportunity.
4. Meet with employees one-on-one in regularly scheduled meetings. Many employees don’t like to speak in front of groups but they still want credit for their ideas. Also, some employees are just more comfortable speaking in a small group or one-on one. Take advantage of this format to follow-up on ideas and get the most out of their creativity.
5. Create innovation teams. Innovation teams are smaller teams of three to four people in charge of creating new ideas on a particular topic. Assignment them an area that needs improvement through creativity then have them report back to you or better yet to the entire work group, so that more ideas can be suggested.
Creativity and innovation in the workplace can found in every one of your employees. You have worked hard to hire a diverse group of people with a wide variety of experiences. Don’t waste this valuable resource.

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