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September 2008

Daniel Chambon

It takes generations to perfect the fine art of cuisine. Semiramis InterContinental in cooperation with Air France proudly present for the sixth time ‘La Cuisine du Chef Daniel Chambon”...     

The Conrad Sharm

The Conrad Sharm El Sheikh Resort has continuously proven to be the first choice for many of its guests. In recognition to its valuable repeat customers, the resort celebrated the tenth arrival of...

New Sauna & Massage

You’re invited for an unforgettable vacation at Sheraton Montazah not only for its newly renovated rooms, sandy private beach superb location over the seashore and Montazah gardens...

Mr. Firas Irsheidat

Mr. Firas Irsheidat, the General Manager of Sheraton Sharm Hotel, Resort, Villas & Spa and team has received the “Starwood EAME Human Truths Annual Award 2007 “To Belong …. To Starwood EAME”....

CS&T Seeks Best Quality

Customer Service and Training (CS&T) Company has successfully obtained a membership in the reputable Mystery Shopping Provider Association (MSPA). Achieving membership of this highly regarded association is the fruition of years of successful hard work. The continuing success of the Mystery Shopping service is highly dependent on ethics, which CS&T have effectively maintained throughout.

Why Dear Guest?

I have received several mails and friends' questions about the reason behind the (Dear Guest name). Simply, any one of us is a guest, whether for a few minutes buying grocery at the super market, a few hours on board a flight, a few days in a fancy hotel for a long waited vacation, a lifetime commitment with your bank or mobile operator or even reading a magazine as such, your expectations of the quality of service should not be compromised, so I came to the conclusion that every one on earth is a guest or on the other meaning customer being served by some one else.

About Dear Guest (DG)

Dear Guest (DG) Company - Egyptian Magazine successfully released its Business & Life Style Egyptian magazine in 2002 which have clearly & rapidly found its way to be one of the best Egyptian English magazine in the market. In addition of the normal coverage and articles that all other Egyptian magazines in the market present, DGmagazine focuses on all customer service related issues through its main chapters such as, Egyptian Mystery shopping chapter, Enrich your Knowledge and all marketing & customer services articles within the Egyptian market all in one magazine.

DG Magazine also interviews executives through our executive of the month chapter, lady of the month chapter, even further by focusing on either an industry or an organization in terms of customer satisfaction in the Egyptian market.

بالعربى إلى ...

سألت نفسى كثيرا, لماذا نتعمد الإساءة لاسم مصر؟ وقبل الاسترسال فيما أريد قوله أحب فقط أن أنوه أننى لست بالمواطن الذى يحمل لواء الوطنية ويهتف بشعارات حتى لا أعطى فرصة لحاملى لواء المعارضة من أجل المعارضة للمزايدة على كلامى, ولذا وجبت تلك المقدمة.
أما بعد...
ألا يوجد بالفعل أى شئ إيجابى فى هذا البلد؟ هل كل الناس لصوص؟ هل نحن شعب نجهل كل ما هو متقدم؟ هل كل الحكومات المتعاقبة سيئة وينتفعون فقط فى مراكزهم؟ هل الأكثرية من شعب مصر يعيشون تحت خط الفقر فعلا؟ هل نحن نعيش فى عصر تسود فيه التفرقة الدينية؟ هل تمارس الشرطة الأساليب الغير مشروعة فى تعاملها مع المواطن؟ هل كل ما يكتب و يقرأ فى صحف المعارضة صحيح؟ وهل جميع الصحف القومية تجمل الصورة التى هي فى غاية السوق والتردى؟ هل كل منتقدى هذا البلد وأوضاعه هم فى الأساس يعشقون هذا البلد ويهمهم مصلحته؟ وهل.وهل.وهل؟
تخيلوا معى أن الاجابة على كل هذه الأسئلة هى "نعم" كما يحلو لحاملى لواء المعارضه ان يقنعون العامه بذلك؟ فاذا كانت الاجابه "نعم" فبالله  كيف اعيش وانا وانت والسيد المعارض على ارض هذا البلد؟؟؟؟؟!! 

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