It is deplorable to admit that honesty has diminished drastically in our society; in actual fact it is seldom that we see honest people, who are brave enough to bear the consequences of their honesty and opinions. We are witnessing this on all levels and standards within society, from well known politicians, to the media, to the people on the streets, etc. Of course I can not say that all people are dishonest, however unfortunately, in this day and age the majority of them are...
Nowadays, we can relate to so many examples especially in the political arena, but may be because politics is a very dirty game, we might not be surprised. Then again we expected added openness and sincerity following the revolution. Some of us are afraid to express our genuine feelings towards the major events that happen in the country, our true feeling towards certain politicians and of course about the revolution. I myself have to admit that I have had a bad experience when I expressed my feelings towards certain issues. I have a tendency to analyze events rather than being closed minded admitting certain flaws and living in denial.
The Presidential elections and its candidates are one of the very hot issues nowadays. Some people have already decided on their candidate, however they are afraid to admit it since they don’t want to be named; Feloul, Ikhwan or liberal. I hope we reach a point where no one is afraid to admit their own affiliations and opinions and that we would respect each others’ opinions no matter what they are, after all -- this is the democracy that we are seeking, is it not…!!!
“Both politicians and journalists face situations which strain their honesty and humanity. My opinion is that politicians on the average stand up somewhat better than journalists.” ~ John McCarthy
“No legacy is so rich as Honesty.” ~ William Shakespeare
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all the people all the time.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
“It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the Truth and expose lies.” ~ Noam Chomsky
“The biggest consequence to telling a lie is, it leads you to telling another one.” ~ Gary King
“Truth allows you to live with integrity. Everything you do and say shows the world who you really are. Let it be the Truth.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
“Have the courage to say No! Have the courage to face the Truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.” ~ W. Clement Stone
