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God ’s Will


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God's Will

The existence of life is for a reason far beyond our knowledge, a leaf dropping from its tree; a season dissolving in the next, continuous change in the universe is for a purpose, which lies in the Hands of the Creator, as it is His Will.

We stride towards our needs to attain a level of satisfaction. Feelings of boundless pleasure fills us for what was succeeded, followed by strength and pride of selfworth and gratefulness. Sometimes our intensified strength makes us forget a fact … everything we gained is by His Will, it is a blessing sent from Him to us. Instead, we focus greatly on remembering the time spent to achieve our desires and fail to recall our prayers to Him asking for the wishes that once lied in our hearts.

Occasionally, we wander through our maze but never reach the final destination. At that point, we lean forward, cup our faces with our hands, and weep for not reaching the end of a path we chose… Still, it is His Will… His Will to make you not tread through a path you were not created for.

Again, we forget He created each of us for a certain purpose and time is a gift send from Him to us. Some things appear in our lives lead us to the right trail. Other things arise to teach and force us make decisions we never thought we could make. Our hearts absorb lessons to awaken what was silenced. Change in the universe obligates us to modify ourselves and fit in the world. Our feelings exist to surrender difficult moments and confront our lives with bravery to move on.

However, accepting is the most difficult part, to accept what has occurred and what has not occurred. Although, it will be easy for us to consent if we believe it is God’s Will. If we learn to devote ourselves to Him, things will be easier on us, as we will be able to walk our paths that we really know from deep in our hearts we were created for.

Neither your emotional state of desire nor your talents settled in you are for no reason. Believe in your gifts, as it is a blessing sent from Him to shape the pathway you deserve. Fill your heart with certainty, everything happens for a reason, and believe that God’s Will is always and will always be above anything and everything, because coincidence is only a term we invented, however it does not truly exist.

By: Shereen Magdi


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