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Fayrouz Tayseer

• Euthanasia; (the act of killing somebody who has an incurable illness) Brutal
• Political beliefs; useless
• Love; life
• Betrayal; Deception
• Change; Normal
• Cynicism; Relief
• Integrity; Honesty
• Advocate; Persistent
• Choice; Fate
• Wealth; Luck

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Radwa Moussa

• Euthanasia; (the act of killing somebody who has an incurable illness) Belsalama!LOL
• Political beliefs; Shouldn’t be a tool to judge a person!
• Love; Oxygen
• Betrayal; End of discussion!
• Change; Beautiful necessity
• Cynicism; Egyptians!!
• Integrity; Owned not gained!
• Advocate; ME! Sometimes I wish I can
• Choice; WE HAVE IT! Always and
forever - we tend to forget that sometimes!
• Wealth; Minds and hearts! (Wallets run
out fast)
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Nermnie El Ramlawy

• Euthanasia; (the act of killing somebody who has an incurable illness) Rightful death.
• Political beliefs; A list of things one must think, say, or do.
• Love; Temporary madness.
• Betrayal; Begins with trust.
• Change; We are challenged to change ourselves everyday.
• Cynicism; Death of the future.
• Integrity; Don’t harm or judge anyone.
• Advocate; Everyone should be a strong advocate of life.
• Choice; No matter what happens, we always have a choice.
• Wealth; The first wealth is health

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Dahlia Nassar

• Euthanasia; (the act of killing somebody who has an incurable illness) Merciless/Callous
• Political beliefs; Attentive
• Love; Essential
• Betrayal; Unpardonable
• Change; Inevitable
• Cynicism; Irritating
• Integrity; Rare
• Advocate; Appreciated
• Choice; Boundless
• Wealth; Promising
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Nira Abada

• Euthanasia: (the act of killing somebody who has an incurable illness) I hope I will never be put in this situation.
• Political beliefs: I don’t believe in politics
• Love: everything in this world is about LOVE
• Betrayal; If you can betray anyone to get ahead in
life than you have no feelings.
• Change: People change every day I try to stay the same... humble and grateful.
• Cynicism: I think I am sometimes .
• Integrity: If you have integrity in everything, you will succeed in life.
• Choice: If I don’t have a choice in everything I do then life is pointless.
• Wealth: everyone wants to be wealthy, it’s definitely not important to me.

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Salma El Masry

• Euthanasia; (the act of killing somebody who has an incurable illness) Perspective
• Political beliefs; Illusions
• Love; Actions
• Betrayal; Cowardice
• Change; Life
• Cynicism; Negativity
• Integrity; Pain
• Advocate; Dignity
• Choice; Freedom
• Wealth; Influence
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